Protecting Your Home: Flood Prevention
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It seems that the April showers and spring stormy season came a little late this year. Floods, tornadoes, hail, and rain–not what you usually think the month of May is made of. If there’s anything we Minnesotans know it’s that aside from the tame June, July, and August, weather in... Read More
The Season of Sump
Ah, spring. That magical time when a young man’s fancy turns to love, the birds and the bees do their famous dance, and Mother Nature throws a wild, stormy, completely unpredictable fit. We all know that with the coming of April also come heavy rains, overflowing rivers, and flooded basements.... Read More
Sewage Ejector Pumps 101: Getting into the Muck of it
If you’ve been keeping up with our news and updates, and we hope you have, you’ll already know everything the average homeowner should know about sump pumps and how to maintain them. What you may not know about, however, is another similar service we offer on our list—sewage ejector pump... Read More
Sump Pumps Part Three: Battery Back-Up Sump Pumps
Though we’ve already stressed the importance and benefits of maintaining your home sump pump in our previous posts, Sump Pumps Part One and Sump Pumps Part Two, it can never hurt to learn a little bit more about this hardworking appliance. Amazing as home sump pumps are, like everything else... Read More
In May we gave you a brief overview of Things to Know about Your Home Sump Pump. We’re going to revisit that topic today and give you a little more insight into one of the hardest working, and least appreciated, systems in your home. For every inch of rain collected... Read More
Things to Know About Your Sump Pump
As the recent rain has reminded us, April isn’t the only month for showers. And so it also shouldn’t be the only month you check your home sump pump. They’re easy to forget tucked down in the basement, but like all other household mechanics, sump pumps eventually fail. The average... Read More