Great, Easy to Use, Professional Plumbing Product
In previous updates we’ve told you about how to prevent clogged drains and given you some tips about what to do when a clog inevitably happens; now we’re giving you the inside scoop on a great, easy to use, professional plumbing product that can’t be found in retail stores.
It’s called Green-Blaster Drain Opener and it works—fast. One of the great features of this handy drain opener is its incredible efficiency. It cleans your drain in sixty seconds and, best of all, unlike many other drain cleaners it’s safe for septic systems and can be used on chrome, polished brass, and plastic. The dry, granular product unclogs grease buildup, destroys hair, and clears other organic materials with ease. It’s also non-acid so you don’t have to worry about the normal health and safety hazards associated with most other drain cleaners.
The directions are simple. Pour ½ cup of Green-Blaster down your drain, run hot or cold tap water, cover opening with a damp cloth and let stand for one minute. Dump another half cup of Blaster down the drain and let the water run until all the granules are dissolved. Pretty easy, no?
Like we said at the beginning, this is the stuff the professionals use. You can find it in almost any hotel, apartment, restaurant, school, condo complex, or nursing home—but, you can’t find it in stores. As much as we love meeting you in person and using our own supply of Green-Blaster to clear your drains, we know most of you would like to be able to just do it on your own. You can purchase your own supply of Green-Blaster Drain Opener directly from us – either give us a call or stop by our office.
For more information on the product, visit the Green-Blaster Website.